Our Adoption Story

Saturday, July 10, 2010


We are back together as a family in Los Angeles! Miles is becoming quite the expert at flying and handled the 4 1/2 hour plane rides very well! I realized that last flight was his 8th time flying by the age of 15 months, somethings seems wrong with that! Miles had a really great week with Grandma and Grandpa (Papa and JuJu). Although I was sad to leave him for a week I boarded the bus for a 15 hour trip to Castaway Young Life camp with 100 high school students super excited to be apart of such a great week! And it really lived up to its reputation, most of the students left saying "it was the best week of my life." I wish I could sum up YL camp to you in a post, it is a beautiful resort style property with tons of YL staff and volunteer who give the majority of their summer to make this camp great. Young Life seeks to clear a space for kids to encounter Christ, they are committed to excellence and come to serve. I feel so blessed to be a part of the ministry of YL in Fort Wayne, it's a great organization and my brother Josh who is the Fort Wayne area director for YL is an amazing leader with a heart and vision for kids to know Christ and experience His kingdom! Check us out....Young Life Fort Wayne IN

It was such an honor to spend the week with these students and I think we all saw God show up in new and exciting ways, like never before. I grew to love all the girls in "Starboard" my dorm/cabin and am excited to see how God will continue the work that He has started in them!