I'm not loving my photo quality in a lot of these- (some taken with my phone and are a little fuzzy)
1) Hide and go seek is #1 in our house right now. Miles shouts "one, money. two, show. get ready, set, go...come find me!" and we know what follows. We usually find him like this:
These are the best...

2) Reading, reading, and more reading.....
3) Dinosaurs- ever since Miles' first visit to the Indianapolis Children's Museum and the Dinosphere Miles often acts out running from a big dinosaur, and he now started saying "T-rex eat you and eat me and eat Dada" Ha! Not sure where he got that from.....he's also very into lining things up and putting things in pairs. I LOVED finding him playing with his dinosaurs like this and they were all paired into their dino families.....sooo cute
4) Dance parties, Rock shows, and lots and lots of singing. Miles' and dad head down to the basement occasionally to put on a "rock show." We have daily dance parties in the kitchen. Singing really helps Miles' in those though transition moments on the day- like picking up toys, getting dressed, getting lunch ready....He struggles sometimes the most during those moments and singing songs seems to really help him, so we are singing OFTEN around here. Here is a funny clip of Adam trying to get Miles' to sing for the camera, he does a little but I just thought his expressions were so cute. Starting the boy out young on good music ("Timshel" by Mumford & Sons)....
I'm realizing we take so many videos of him in his high chair because it's the only place where he won't run away!
5) "Yo-grit" aka yogurt, is his favorite snack right now. Here is his with the evidence on his face but also just being goofy with dad. I have no idea why he has a head light on :)
6) Anything water related- my sister Jess gave me this idea and Miles' has loved helping me "wash" the dishes from the play kitchen.
Well I could go on and on, but hope that gives you a little glimpse into this little boy's life. He is certainly filling ours in a way that causes us to draw closer to Jesus out of gratitude or in reliance on the Spirit.

#37 thankful for Adam and I's parents who regard Jesus highly in their lives and continue to impart that to us in their love and support
#38 the way that God puts and plants things in our lives that soften our hearts to His plans and purposes for later- thankful for the times we get to see the 'why' behind things that some times don't make any sense
#39 foot rubs
#40 surprise manicures for 5 set up by my hubby on a Thurs. afternoon
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