RED day snack time- red apples, strawberries, dried red cherries, and red drink
We read the BIG RED BARN and then we made our own silos out of an empty oatmeal canister, added some "hay and corn" to our silos for the animals to eat!
These next two things were my favorite of the day:
We made RED "paint" out of pudding and used the edible paint to create a masterpiece!
RED sand sensory bin: scoop and dump! No matter what time of the year sand is always a win/win.
And while moms are making lunch- kids get to watch the fabulous big RED dog, Clifford!
A simple craft using whatever RED supplies we could find- we twisted a pipe cleaner into the first letter of his name and decorated:
RED day was a blast and it was extra fun to share it with people we love!

#41 thankful this week for all that my mom has imparted to me and taught me about preparing food for those I love
#42 Young Life students who turned in their camp registration for this summer's YL camp already!
#43 God stirring my husband to love and serve our family in exciting new ways that has taken our friendship to new places
#44 seeing family who, in the face of "disaster," have kept their eyes on what real treasures are, what an awesome example
#45 dance parties in the kitchen
#46 fevers breaking- thankful to see a little boy through a 9 day fever. SOOO thankful he is feeling better, but MORE thankful that I get to comfort him and take care of him
#47 honeydew melon bubble tea
#48 thankful I am doing this- its harder than I thought it would be to really stop and thank God for the gifts he has given me, not in a heart of entitlement but in a truly grateful way....its hard, try it.
#49 thankful that I am never alone, never
#50 Miles' deep belly laugh
"M" is also for Mama of the Year! You must make being a little boy terrifically fun, Valerie!
Shhh...don't tell the other moms, but you really may be the cutest mom I ever did see. Ever.
Shhh...don't tell the other moms...but you just might be the very cutest mom I ever did see. Ever.
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