Our Adoption Story

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mbote, baby, mbote.

Ezra has been spoken to in Lingala, which is one of the major languages spoken in the Congo. French is the official language and Lingala is similar to French in a lot of ways. Ezra has been spoken to in Lingala and French....our sweet bilingual baby :)

Mbote (mm-botay) means hello in Lingala. But the only word that our baby Ezra says is "Au Revoir" - Goodbye. At first I loved hearing his sweet little voice say "Oh vwah" over and over and wave his little hand. But then it hit me. The only word he knows is Goodbye. My heart broke for him at the realization. He has said au revoir too many times. Well babe, no more goodbyes. Mbote from now on.


Cindi Clark said...

What a tender realization, Valerie! You are so right! Look at that sweet and happy baby boy! I love seeing him smile! His ready attachment to you is what he has been waiting for...and is one to which he will never have to say Au Revoir!

Mbote, Baby Ezra, from a whole family who really loves you!


Unknown said...

Finally finding some time to catch up on some blog reading and what a blessing it was to see all your Gotcha pictures!! Such JOY!