I was inspired by this book: The Knight and the Dragon, (one of Miles' favorites right now)
a cardboard castle my mom got Miles for Christmas and this post on lightbluegrey about making your own riding pony sticks! These looked like so much fun to make- but when I spotted some at DOLLAR GENERAL it was a no brainer which was cheaper. (sad how making most things these days is so much more expensive than just buying it)
*warning*- lots of photos!
adorable cake by: LinZcakes

Let the fun begin!
You're amazing! That is so cute! On one hand I can't believe he's already 2 and on the other hand, I can't believe he's only 2, he is so smart! Happy Birthday, Miles!
#2 I really love the castle
#3 I love his face looking at his cake
#4 Damn...am I your ONLY friend without a baby!?
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