Our Adoption Story

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Our Adoption Story

Thread & Film, a production company in Fort Wayne, donated their time and creative energy to make us this short film telling our adoption story. We used this video at a fundraiser event a few weeks ago so that people could get a vision for why we are choosing to adopt. We wanted to share it with you. 

We are so excited to be on this journey. We are hoping to use this blog as a means for people to engage in our mission, learn about adoption, and follow our growing family on this adventure. 


thefaulkners said...

Thanks for sharing Val. The two of your hearts (and the many other hearts who have helped you through this process) are so big and so genuine. It provides so much joy to see the heart of God in your family's actions and words. Thanks for sharing your story!

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing....loved it and cried through the whole thing! so inspiring! =)

Jennifer Van Elk Photography said...

How can we help?
Beautiful video!

Cindi Clark said...

I love you guys! You are wonderful! This video is so touching and inspiring! Can't wait to meet and hold both of my new grandsons!

Clark Family said...

Thanks you guys for your kind words and encouragement! God has really put this on our hearts and it's amazing to see others respond in lots of different ways to the needs of orphans!

Jennifer- if your asking how to help financially there are t-shirts and cookbooks for sale on the right side bar of the blog. All prayers for our little guy who is too many miles away right now would be awesome!

Dis(covered)inLight:|:. said...

Hey guys- we are so excited for you. Tom and I are currently waiting for adoption to be finalized for one of our foster boys, so we can definitely relate to your excitement and eagerness!
I know of an organization that gives out grants to help families financially who are in the process of adoption. If you guys are interested let me know and I can send you the website.
- Tom and Marygrace Brown

Emily said...

So inspiring...You two are such a blessing to all the lives you touch. My ways of thinking have definetly been changed for the better...forever