Our Adoption Story

Monday, March 2, 2009

40 weeks and 4 days

Dear God,
Even before our baby takes his first breath of life, I dedicate him to you. As parents we commit to raising this little one in grace and truth. We will love each other deeply. We will speak of You and look to You in our home. We will love and rely on other believers. We will treasure your Word and give it honor. We will seek out, love and welcome those in need. We will call out and stand against injustice. We will forgive and ask for forgiveness. We will give away the grace we've received. 
We come into parenting with uncertainties, shortcomings, and doubts- when we fail or lose our way remind us to come to You. Not on our own, but because of You we commit to be parents who want to be like You. 
We lay our treasure before You; knowing and believing that You are good even when the outcomes don't look like what we had planned for. We don't know what is ahead, from the delivery room to his high school graduation, nothing is certain. We want what you want for him God. 
With reverence we dedicate our unseen child to You; may this sweet one honor you all the days of His life. 


Cindi Clark said...

My prayers are always with you. I am confident that God will use all three of you to His glory.


Billy Clark said...

Awesome blog. Great updates and comments. Congrats on the precious newborn baby. God bless your family